IKMAL (197345) AZIEMAH (199909)
Okey, jom kita tulis artikel. Biasanya pelajar-pelajar
master atau pelajar phd biasanya diwajibkan untuk menulis artikel untuk
diterbitkan. jadi kita boleh saya boleh ajar serba ringkas ya bagaimana kita
nak tulis artikel yang baik, yang boleh kita terbitkan. jadi kepada pelajar
yang belum pernah terbit dia akan rasa banggalah Biasanya artikel dalam jurnal
atau bab dalam buku, biasanya hampir sama. Jadi kita ada di sini, kita ada
tajuk. Tajuk mestilah yang menarik ya, menarik sehingga orang nak baca artikel
kita, kita sertakan abstrak, abstrak kita, terpulanglah kepada jurnal tersebut
yang mempunyai berapa patah perkataan. kadang-kadang 250 hingga 30. kemudian
ada pengenalan, ada sorotan kajian. sorotan kajian ni terpulang kepada penulis
masing-masing. Kadang-kadang dia tak letak perkataan sorotan kajian, dia letak
tajuk! macam contoh untuk animasi cerita rakyat dia letak tu, dalam tu yang
merupakan sorotan kajian. kemudian ada metodologi, keputusan dan perbincangan,
kesimpulan dan rujukan. bukan bibliografi dah, rujukan. Jadi dalam-dalam yang
ini kita ni, Memula kita fokus kepada tajuk,
tajuk tu kenalah menarik. Biasanya tajuk tu kalau jurnal ke, artikel ke
biasanya tak boleh lebih daripada 20 patah perkataan. Jadi abstrak ini kita
kata, kita kalau tulis dalam bahasa Melayu tulis surat BM bahasa Melayu
disertakan dengan abstrak bahasa Inggeris supaya ia lebih jelas. dalam abstrak
ini kita akan letak macam contohnya ayat, ayat akhir lebih kurang lima ayat,
lima empat atau lima ayat macam ayat mukadimah lah ni, mukadimah ni contohnya
Kita letak seperti latar belakang dan juga masalah yang dihadapi lah. masalah
kajian sehingga timbulnya kita nak buat kajian ini. Ayat ini diikuti dengan
ayat objektif kemudian ada metodologi. metodologi ni Kita kena letak la.Kalau ada
sampel, sampel dan seterusnya ialah lokasi. kita ada siapa. Kalau tak ada tak
payah letak, macam tu. lokasi kemudian semualah sehinggalah ke kir.i prosedur
kena ada, cara analisis macam mana, analisis kena ada, kemudian daripada
huraian sini kita letakkan kita punya keputusan. keputusan kajian kita tu kita
letak dalam abstrak inilah. Kita letakkan keputusan dan ayat akhir kita akan
letak apa yang awak harapkan dalam kajian akan datang. diharapkan kajian akan
datang akan memberi Fokus kepada Apa dia Apa dia. ayat akhir mesti ada.
kemudian disertai dengan kata kunci. Okey kata kunci biasanya ada lima. kata kunci ada lima dan diteruskan dengan
Biasanya pengenalan ini pengenalan ini awak boleh
letak dalam lebih kurang ialah kita nak berkenal ni kita letaklah kita punya
latarbelakang kita. kita nak ceritalah tentang apa nama awak ni, ciri-ciri apa
benda yang berkaitan dengan tajuk cerita tu tadi. jadi pengenalan ni
kadang-kadang awak letak dalam satu perenggan. Ini agak penting kerana ada
jurnal yang dia sangat-sangat, peraturan dia sangat ketat ya. pengenalan ni
adalah orang, ada orang letak dalam bentuk sorotan pula dalam tu. jadi itu yang
kena reject, jadi terpulang kepada jurnal yang ada. yang adalah Terpulang, baca
balik apa arahan yang diberi, dia satu perenggan ni letak macam latar belakang
tersebut kemudian masuk yang sorotan. jadi ini satu perenggan di atas sorotan
tu tadi macam saya kata tak boleh letak kata sorotan kajian ataupun letak tajuk
dia. macam contohnya animasi cerita rakyat. boleh antara dua. jadi disorotkan.
yang ini awak letak dalam empat perenggan. Okey letak dalam empat perenggan
yang mempunyai sorotan kajian lima tahun ke belakang sahaja. Okey? 5 tahun
kebelakang dan juga perlu kriti, jangan macam saya ajar dalam bab 2. Kalau tak
kritis kan, dia berdiri dengan sendiri je. Tak boleh macam tu maknanya letak
yang kritis. maknanya bila huraian dalam satu perenggan tu ada satu nama
Komunis sokonglah dengan kajian-kajian yang lain selari ke hampir sama ke apa
sokong letak kat situ juga letak yang negatif juga yang seperti kajian ini
orang kata pembunuh kajian oleh normaliza abd Rahim 2019 didapati orang kata
tidak bersetuju, tidak setuju dengan Kajian yang dijalankan oleh ni ni ni ni,
letakkan kenapa dia tak setuju tu. Kena! itu namanya kritis, mencari persamaan
dan perbezaan okey. Okey? Ini dah empat, empat perenggan dah kemudian kita
masuk, sebelum habis je pada sorotan kajian itu, ada ayat objektif. ayat
objektif ya, bukan satu subtopik. Biasanya ayat sahaja, dalam satu ayat iaitu
kata, justeru kajian ini ialah justeru daripada sorotan, masalah kajian itu
semua, sini ada jurang penyelidikan dan sini semua dia ada jurang penyelidikan.
Jadi justeru kajian ini ingin mengenal pasti dan membincangkan Apa dia, Apa
dia, Apa dia, Apa dia. tak payah je. jadi ini satu ayat iaitu selepas sorotan
kajian. makna ni dah perenggan lain, Ini perenggan baru. Jadi ini perenggan
lainlah/ Okey perenggan lain, jadi perenggan tu ada satu je ayat. dia kena
terus masuk tajuk metodologi. Metodologi ni awak kena lengkapkanlah, semua yang
ada dekat dalam metodologi.
Huraikan. awak kena huraikan macam sebijik yang ada
sebiji dalam dalam tesis tu lah. ada sampel, ada lokasi, ada prosedur, ada
analisis, ada bahan. kalau misalnya ada bahan tu, awak kena letak pula sinopsis
bahan ialah sinopsis novel contohnya. sinopsis cerpen contohnya, sinopsis apa
saja. kita kena ada lah ni semua. Jadi ini ada prosedur, ini ada analisis ,ini
boleh rujuk. rujuk balik dalam bab metodologi penulisan tesis letak kat dalam
ni, kemudian Barulah masuk tajuk keputusan dan perbincangan. jadi keputusan dan
perbincangan ini yang ni tadi teori pun ada ya dalam metodologi. keputusan
perbincangan ini dia punya subtajuk kenalah, kalau dia tanya ikut kiri subtajuk
mesti mengikut teorilah.Ccontohnya kandungan dalam interaksi perbualan
contohnya. jadi maknanya tajuk-tajuk ini, tajuk ini merupakan daripada teori.
Lepas tu adalah lagi konteks dalam interaksi perbualan. dalam interaksi
perbualan haa begitu. jadi Adalah dia tu, huraian dia dalam ni, Samalah macam
huraian bab 4. Tak ada masalah. Jadi yang ini, dia punya perenggan Terpulanglah
kepada teori awak pilih. kita ada banyak teori. saya bagi teori dan teori
wacana ini saya ingat sekarang ada banyak lagi. teori-teori kejuruteraan lain,
ke teori sains lain, teori ekonomi lain, teori reka bentuk lain, jadi berbeza
okey. Jadi akhirnya kita dah lepas habis keputusan perbincangan, kita ada
rumusan. Kalau kita tengok dekat sini ya, Sebelum tu sebulan tu, sebab kita ada
nak rumuskan keputusan dan perbincangan, kita ada rumusan, rumuskan, rumuskan
dalam satu perenggan.
Serupa juga dalam bab empat, kita rumuskan kita kena
sokong, sokong Kajian yang atas tadi. dekat-dekat sorotan kita ada yang ada
dalam tesis. maknanya yang ada dalam tesis, eh dalam artikel. Okey atas tadi
yang kita ni yang ada dalam ni. Okey jadi sokong, itupun sokonglah sendiri,
sama pun cara penulisan dia sama dengan cara penulisan nak buat rumusan dalam
bab 4. Kemudian akhirnya kesimpulan.
Okey dalam kesimpulan ni, dalam ini saya dah jelaskan apa yang
sepatutnya ada dalam kesimpulan. Okey
dalam kesimpulan ni menjelaskan, memberi menfaat pula, menjelaskan manfaat yang
diperoleh daripada keputusan kajian, Maknanya awak jelaskan manfaat kepada
siapa, keputusan kita dapat ni, yang kita buat ni kepada siapa. awak jelaskan
tiap-tiap satu dalam satu perenggan.
Ayat akhir, kesimpulan itu tadi. ini samalah yang
dengan, dengan awak manfaat yang tadi memberi makna kepada siapa dalam
kesimpulan. dalam ini tidak perlu rujukan. jangan nak ada rujukan pula dalam
kesimpulan. sebab kita dah ada rujukan, dah sokong. kesimpulan ni kita nak beri
manfaat je. Jadi tak perlulah rujukan, tak perlu rujukan. Kemudian ayat akhir
dalam kesimpulan, akhir tadi kita letaklah diharapkan kajian akan datang, ingat
tak yang ayat saya cakap tadi ayat tu ada dalam yang diharapkan dalam abstrak.
Janganlah copy paste, ubahlah. Diharapkan, kajian akan datang akan memberi
Fokus kepada lirik lagu cerita rakyat. Contoh dia, jadi ada kaitan lah. ini
macam cadangan kita, cadangan akan datang kita. Inilah kita masuk dalam ayat
akhir. jadi dalam ini terpulang sebenarnya kepada jurnal atau bab dalam buku.
Jumlah perkataan biasanya 5500, ada yang orang apa, jurnal yang kata dia sangat
ketat dia punya peraturan, dia kata okey satu artikel dia boleh terima 3000 je.
Jadi jangan lebih Kalau lebih biasanya dia suruh bayar. Terpulang kepada
dia je nak ada berapa.
Okay, let's write an article. Usually master
students or phd students are usually required to write articles to be
published. so we can I can teach a brief yes how we want to write a good
article, which we can publish. so to a student who has never been published he
will feel proud Usually articles in journals or chapters in books, are usually
almost the same. So we are here, we have a title. The title must be
interesting, interesting so that people want to read our article, we include
the abstract, our abstract, it depends on the journal which has how many words.
sometimes 250 to 30. then there is an introduction, there is a study highlight.
the highlights of this study are up to the respective authors. Sometimes he
doesn't put the word of the study highlight, he puts the title! kind of example
for the animation of folklore he put there, in that which is the highlight of
the study. then there are methodologies, decisions and discussions, conclusions
and references. Not a bibliography anymore, reference. So in this one we are,
Starting we focus on the title, the title should be interesting. Usually the
title is a journal, the article can usually not be more than 20 words. So this
abstract we said, if we write in Malay Malay BM write a letter accompanied by
an abstract in English to make it more clear. in this abstract we will place
the example of the sentence, the final sentence is about five sentences, five
four or five sentences like the verse of the preface, this preface is the
example We put it like the background and also the problems faced. research
problems until the emergence we want to do this study. This sentence is
followed by an objective sentence then there is a methodology. This methodology
We have to put it. If there is a sample, the sample and so on is the location.
Who are we? If there is no need to place, like that. location then all up to
kir.i procedure should be there, how to analyze what kind, analysis should be
there, then from the description here we put we have a decision. the results of
our study we put in this abstract. We put the results and the final sentence we
will put what you expect in the next study. hopefully future studies will focus
on What he is What he is. the last sentence must be there. then accompanied by
keywords. Okay keywords usually have five. There are five keywords and it is
followed by an introduction.
Usually this introduction this introduction
you can put in more or less is we want to get to know this we put we have our
background. We want to tell you about your name, the characteristics of what is
related to the title of the story just now. so this introduction sometimes you
put in one paragraph. This is quite important because there is a journal that
he is very, very strict his rules yes. This introduction is people, some people
put it in the form of highlights in it. so that's what to reject, so it's up to
the existing journal. which is up to you, read back what instructions are
given, he one paragraph ni put like the background then enter the highlight. so
this is a paragraph on the highlight just like I said you can't put the study
highlight word or put the title on it. for example animated folklore. can be
between two. so highlighted. This one you put in four paragraphs. Okay put in
four paragraphs that have the focus of a study five years back only. Okay? 5
years ago and also need critique, do not be like I taught in chapter 2. If not
critical right, he stands by himself je. That can't be the critical meaning.
meaning when the description in one paragraph there is a Communist name support
with other studies parallel to almost the same to what support put kat there
also put negative also that like this study people say killer study by
normaliza abd Rahim 2019 found people say no agree, do not agree with the study
conducted by ni ni ni ni ni, put why he does not agree tu. Got it! that's the
name of the game, finding similarities and differences is okay. Okay? These are
four, four paragraphs and then we go in, before finishing je on the highlights
of the study, there is an objective sentence. objective sentence yes, not a
subtopic. Usually just a sentence, in one sentence that is a word, therefore this
study is therefore from the spotlight, the problem of the study is all, here
there is a research gap and here all he has a research gap. So this study wants
to identify and discuss What he is, What he is, What he is, What he is. tak
payah je. so this is a sentence that is after the highlight of the study. This
means another paragraph, This is a new paragraph. So this is another paragraph
/ Okay another paragraph, so that paragraph has one sentence. he must continue
to enter the title of the methodology. You have to complete this methodology,
everything that is close in the methodology.
Explain. You have to describe what kind of
one there is in the thesis. there are samples, there are locations, there are
procedures, there are analyzes, there are materials. if for example there is
that material, you have to put the synopsis of the material is a synopsis of
the novel for example. short story synopsis for example, any synopsis. We have
to have it all. So this is a procedure, this is an analysis, this can be
referenced. refer back to the chapter on the methodology of writing a thesis,
put it in here, then enter the title of the decision and discussion. so this
decision and discussion which was just a theory is in the methodology. the
result of this discussion he has a subtitle to know, if he asks follow the
subtitle must follow the theory. For example the content in the conversation
interaction for example. so the meaning of these titles, these titles are from
theory. Then there is the context in the conversation interaction. in the
conversation interaction haa so. so Is he, the description of him in this, Same
as the description of chapter 4. No problem. So this one, he has a paragraph
Depends on the theory you choose. we have many theories. I share these theories
and theories of discourse I remember now there are many more. other engineering
theories, to other science theories, other economic theories, other design
theories, so different okey. So finally we have finished the results of the
discussion, we have a conclusion. If we look closely here, yes, before that a
month, because we want to formulate decisions and discussions, we have
formulas, formulate, formulate in one paragraph.
Similarly in chapter four, we conclude that
we have to support, support the above study. near our spotlight there is
something in the thesis. the meaning contained in the thesis, eh in the
article. Okay, just now that we are the ones in here. Okay so support, then support
yourself, even if the way he writes is the same as the way he wants to make a
conclusion in chapter 4. Then finally the conclusion. Okay in this conclusion,
in this I have explained what should be in the conclusion. Okay in this
conclusion, explain, give benefits, explain the benefits obtained from the
results of the study, It means you explain the benefits to whom, the results we
get, the ones we make this to whom. You explain each one in a paragraph.
The last sentence, the conclusion just now.
This is the same as, with you the benefits that were given meaning to whom in
conclusion. in this there is no need for reference. do not want any reference
in the conclusion. because we already have a reference, we already support. In
conclusion, we want to benefit. So there is no need for reference, no need for
reference. Then the last sentence in the conclusion, at the end we put the
expected future study, remember that the sentence I said earlier the sentence
is in the expected in the abstract. Do not copy paste, change. Hopefully,
future studies will focus on the lyrics of folklore songs. An example of him,
so there is a connection. This is like our suggestion, our next suggestion.
This is what we enter in the last sentence. so in this it really depends on the
journal or chapter in the book. The number of words is usually 5500, some
people what, a journal that says he is very strict he has rules, he says okey
one article he can accept 3000 je. So don't do more If he usually tells you to
pay. It depends on him how much he wants.
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