Tuesday, December 15, 2020




Terjemahan mesin (Google translate)



Hari ini Alim dan Keluarga akan pulang ke kampung. Alim akan pulang ke kampung nenek dan atuk di Kajang. Alim mempunyai dua nenek dan datuk. Nenek dan datuk sebelah ibu Alim tinggal di Kajang. Nenek dan datuk sebelah bapa Alim tinggal di Melaka. Alim tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung. Alim ingin bermain dengan ayam dan itik nenek dan datuk di kampung.


Today Alim and his family will return to the village. Alim will return to his grandparents' village in Kajang. Alim has two grandmothers and grandfathers. Alim's paternal grandmother and grandfather lived in Melaka. Alim can't wait to return to the village. Alim wants to play with chickens and ducks of grandparents in the village.

Today Alim and his family will return to the village in Kajang. Alim has two grandmothers and grandfathers. Alim's grandmother and grandfather who next to his father lived in Melaka. Alim can't wait to return to the village because he wants to play with chickens and ducks belong of grandparents in the village.


Setelah 30 minit perjalanan, mereka pun sampai. Alim terus keluar dan mencari-cari ayam dan itik. Alim tidak berjumpa. Alim sedih. Alim marah. Alim menangis. Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tiada di kampung. Ibu dan bapa pula sibuk mengeluarkan beg dari dalam kereta. Abang Imran dan Kak Madinah juga mengangkat beg masing-masing ke dalam rumah nenek dan datuk. Aisyah sibuk mencari permainan yang tertinggal di celah-celah kerusi di dalam kereta. Nenek dan datuk berlari mendapatkan Alim yang sedang menangis di tepi reban.


After 30 minutes of travel, they arrived. Alim continued to go out and look for chickens and ducks. Alim did not meet. Alim is sad. Alim is angry. Alim cried. Alim does not know why chickens and ducks are not in the village. Mom and Dad are busy removing the bag from the car. Abang Imran and Kak Madinah also lifted their bags into the house of their grandparents. Aisyah was busy looking for the game that was left between the seats in the car. Grandmother and grandfather ran to find Alim who was crying by the coop.


After 30 minutes of travel, they arrived. Alim go out and take a look for chickens and ducks. Alim did not meet them and he sad. Alim is angry and  cried. Alim does not know why chickens and ducks are not in the village. While his mom and dad are busy removing the bag from the car. His brother, Imran and his sister, Madinah also bring their bags into the house of their grandparents. Aisyah was busy looking for the game that was left between the seats in the car. Grandmother and grandfather ran to get Alim who was crying by the coop.


“Alim buat apa di sini?,” tanya nenek dan datuk kepada Alim. “Ayam dan itik sudah tak ada!” bisik Alim sambil nangis. Alim tidak faham mengapa ayam dan itik tiada di dalam reban. Alim sangkakan semua ayam dan itik sudah mati. Alim sedih. Alim menangis. “Alim tengok tu!” kata nenek sambil menunjuk ke arah sekumpulan ayam dan itik di dalam reban yang baru dibuat oleh atuk. Kelihatan datuk berdiri di Hadapan reban baharu yang terletak 50 meter dari reban lama.

"Alim, what are you doing here?" Grandma and grandfather asked Alim. "Chickens and ducks are gone!" Alim whispered while crying. Alim does not understand why chickens and ducks are not in the coop. Alim thought all the chickens and ducks were dead. Alim is sad. Alim cried. "Alim look at that!" said the grandmother as she pointed to a group of chickens and ducks in the coop that Grandpa had just made. The grandfather was seen standing in front of the new coop which was located 50 meters from the old coop.


"Alim, what are you doing here?" asked grandparent to Alim. "Chickens and ducks are gone!" Alim whispered while crying. Alim confused why chickens and ducks are not in the coop. Alim thought all the chickens and ducks were dead. Alim sad and cried. "Alim look at that!" said the grandmother who pointed to a group of chickens and ducks in the new coop that Grandpa made. The grandfather was seen standing in front of the new coop which was located 50 meters from the old coop.


“Kenapa ayam dan itik tinggal di sana?,” tanya Alim keliru. Alim berjalan dengan nenek ke arah reban baharu. Alim berhenti menangis. Alim tersenum melihat ayam dan itik. Alim tidak mengendahkan nenek dan datuk yang berdiri di sebelah Alim. Setelah puas melihat ayam dan itik, Alim pun masuk ke rumah nenek dan datuk. Alim pandang sekeliling. Alim menjadi keliru melihat keadaan rumah nenek dan datuk yang berlainan daripada biasa. Alim sedih. Alim terus menangis. Alim sangkakan rumah dan datuk sudah tiada.

"Why do chickens and ducks live there?" Alim asked confused. Alim walked with his grandmother towards the new coop. Alim stopped crying. Alim smiled at the chickens and ducks. Alim ignored his grandmother and grandfather who stood next to Alim. After seeing the chickens and ducks, Alim went to his grandmother and grandfather's house. Pious look around. Alim became confused to see the condition of his grandmother and grandfather's house was different than usual. Alim is sad. Alim kept crying. Alim thought the house and grandfather were gone.


"Why do chickens and ducks live there?" Alim does not understand. He walked with his grandmother towards the new coop. He stopped crying. He smiled at the chickens and ducks. He ignored his grandmother and grandfather who stood beside him. After seeing the chickens and ducks, he went to his grandmother and grandfather's house. He looked nearby. He became puzzled to see the condition of his grandmother and grandfather's house was different than usual. He is sad and kept crying. He thought that the house and his grandfather were gone.


Nenek memujuk Alim. Nenek pegang tangan Alim sambil berjalan keliling rumah sambil bercerita tentang almari, katil, kerusi dapur kepada Alim. Alim berhenti menangis. Alim duduk di ruang tamu sambil menonton televisyen bersama abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyah. Ibu dan bapa serta nenek dan datuk sedih melihat kelakuan Alim hari ini. Mereka hairan kenapa tiba-tiba Alim menangis tanpa sebab. Namun, mereka cuba untuk menolong Alim.


Grandma persuaded Alim. Grandma held Alim's hand while walking around the house while telling Alim about the closet, bed, kitchen chair. Alim stopped crying. Alim sat in the living room while watching television with Imran's brother, Madinah's sister and Aisyah. Parents and grandparents as well as grandparents are sad to see Alim's behavior today. They wondered why Alim suddenly cried for no reason. However, they tried to help Alim.

Grandma persuaded Alim and held Alim's hand while walking around the house then telling Alim about the closet, bed, kitchen chair. Alim stopped crying and he sat in the living room while watching television with Imran, Madinah and Aisyah. Parents and grandparents sad to see Alim's behavior today. They wondered why Alim suddenly cried for no reason. However, they tried to help Alim.



Kelihatan dari dapur, Alim ketawa bersama abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyah. Mereka ketawa sambil menonton cerita kartun yang tersiar di dalam televisyen. Suasana kampung yang berlainan daripada biasa membuatkan Alim sekeluarga lebih rapat. Alim tahu di mana ayam dan itik dan reban ayam. Alim juga tahu di mana reban ayam yang baharu.

Seen from the kitchen, Alim laughed with Imran's brother, Madinah's sister and Aisyah. They laughed as they watched the cartoon story aired on television. The village atmosphere is different than usual, making Alim and his family closer. Alim knows where the chickens and ducks and chicken coops are. Alim also knows where the new chicken coop is.


Seen from the kitchen that Alim laughed with Imran, Madinah and Aisyah. They laughed at the cartoon story aired on television. The different village atmosphere making Alim and his family closer. Alim already knows where the chickens and ducks and also chicken coops were. He also knows where the new chicken coop stay.







Terjemahan mesin (Google translate)



Pada hari ahad yang lalu, bapa Alim membawa pulang banyak buah-buahan. Bapa telah membeli buaha-buahan dari pasar tani. Bapa tahu, Alim, abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyahgemar makan buah-buahan tempatan. Ada buah rambutan, ada buah durian, ada buah manggis, ada buah langsat, ada buah duku dan banyak lagi. “Dimana beli buah-buahan ni, bapa?” tanya abang Imran kepada bapanya. “Bapa beli dari pasar tani tadi. Mari kita semua makan. Panggil adik-adik dan ibu kamu. Kita boleh makan bersama,” kata bapa kepada abang Imran.


Last Sunday, Alim's father brought home a lot of fruit. Father had bought fruits from the farmers' market. Dad knows, Alim, Imran's brother, Madinah's sister and Aisyah like to eat local fruits. There is rambutan fruit, there is durian fruit, there is mangosteen fruit, there is langsat fruit, there is duku fruit and many more. "Where to buy these fruits, father?" Imran's brother asked his father. "My father bought it from the farmers' market earlier. Let's all eat. Call your sisters and mother. We can eat together, ”said the father to Imran's brother.


Last Sunday, Alim's father brought home a lot of fruit. Father had bought fruits from the farmers' market. Dad who knows their children like to eat local fruits. There are rambutan fruit, durian fruit, mangosteen fruit, langsat fruit, duku fruit and many more. "Where did you buy these fruits, father?" Imran's brother asked his father. "I bought it from the farmers' market earlier. Let's all eat. Call your sisters and mother. We can eat together, ”said the father to Imran.


Abang Imran pun memanggil ibu, Madinah, Alim dan Aisyah. “Wah banyaknya buah-buahan!, ” jerit Madinah melompat-lompat. “Adik nak nangis!” Aisyah berlari mendapatkan manggis dalam plastik. “Ni ibu dah sediakan bakul sampah. Letak semua sampah dalam ni ye. Jangan letak merata tempat. Nanti rumah akan kotor dan bersepah,” arah ibu sambil menunjukkan ke arah bakul sampah. Imran, Madinah, Alim dan Aisyah menganggukan kepala tanda faham.

Abang Imran also called his mother, Madinah, Alim and Aisyah. "Wow, there are so many fruits!" Shouted Madinah jumping around. "I want to cry!" Aisyah ran to get mangosteen in plastic. “My mother has prepared a garbage basket. Put all the rubbish in here. Do not place anywhere. Later, the house will be dirty and littered,” my mother said while pointing towards the garbage basket. Imran, Madinah, Alim and Aisyah nodded their heads in understanding.


Imran called his mother, Madinah, Alim and Aisyah. "Wow, there are so many fruits!" Shouted Madinah while jumping. "I want to cry!" Aisyah ran to get mangosteen in plastic. “I already prepared a garbage basket. Put all the rubbish in here. Do not place anywhere. Later, the house will be dirty and littered,” my mother said while pointing towards the garbage basket. Imran, Madinah, Alim and Aisyah nodded their heads as understanding.


“Ibu boleh kita beri Sulaiman sedikit buah-buahan ini?,” tanya Alim kepada ibunya. “Ibu dan bapa selalu berpesan berkongsi barang atau makanan yang kita suka adalah satu perbuatan yang baik”, sambung Alim lagi. “Baik sungguh anak ibu. Bagus Alim. Alim ingat pesan ibu dan bapa,” kata ibu sambil mengasingkan buah-buahan ke dalam plastik merah. “Ini Alim. Kamu beri Sulaiman. Ibu nampak dia sedang siram pokok bunga tadi,” kata ibu sambil menghulurkan plastik yang mengandungi buah rambutan dan manggis. “Baik, ibu. Terima kasih,” Kata Alim sambil mengambil plastik merah dan berlari ke arah Sulaiman.

"Mother, can we give Sulaiman some of these fruits?" Alim asked his mother. "Mothers and fathers always tell us to share the goods or food we like is a good deed", continued Alim again. "It's really good for the mother's child. Good Alim. Alim remembers the message of mother and father,” said the mother while separating the fruits into red plastic. "This is Alim. You give Sulaiman. I saw him watering the flowers earlier,” said my mother while handing out plastic containing rambutan and mangosteen. "All right, mother. Thank you,” said Alim as he took the red plastic and ran towards Sulaiman.


"Mother, can we give Sulaiman some of these fruits?" Alim asked his mother. "Mothers and fathers always tell us to share the material or food that we like is a good attitude", continued Alim again. " My child is very good. Alim remembers the message of mother and father,” said the mother while separating the fruits into red plastic. "This Alim, give to Sulaiman. I saw him watering the flowers earlier,” said my mother while handing out plastic containing rambutan and mangosteen. "All right, mother. Thank you,” said Alim and he took the red plastic and ran towards Sulaiman.


Alim memberikan plastik tersebut kepada Sulaiman. Sulaiman tersenyum. Dia mengucapakan terima kasih kepada Alim. Alim terus berlari semula mendapatkan keluarga sambil tersenyum puas. Alim faham sikap berkongsi itu baik. Alim juga faham abang Imran, Madinah , Aisyah juga berkongsi barang atau makanan dengannya. Setelah selesai makan, Alim menolong abang Imran, kak Madinah, ibu dan bapa mengemas rumah. Alim membawa sampah kulit buah-buahan ke dalam tong sampah besar di luar rumah. Alim terserempah dengan Mak cik Timah iaitu ibu Sulaiman yang sedang menyapu lantai di luar rumah.


Alim gave the plastic to Sulaiman. Solomon smiled. He thanked Alim. Alim ran back to get the family while smiling contentedly. Alim understands that sharing is good. Alim also understands that Imran's brother, Madinah, Aisyah also shared goods or food with him. After eating, Alim helped Imran's brother, Madinah's sister, mother and father clean the house. The pious bring fruit twigs into a large trash can outside the house. Alim is in love with Aunt Timah, namely Sulaiman's mother who is sweeping the floor outside the house.


Alim gave the plastic to Sulaiman. Sulaiman smiled. and thanked to Alim. After give, he ran back to the family while smiling happily. Alim understands that sharing is good. Alim also understands that Imran, Madinah, Aisyah also shared material or food with him. After eating, Alim helped Imran, Madinah, mother and father clean the house. The skin of fruit he brought into a large trash outside the house. Alim saw Aunt Timah, who is Sulaiman's mother were sweeping the floor outside the house.


“Alim, terima kasih beri buah-buahan kepada Sulaiman tadi,” kata Mak cik Timah kepada Alim. “Sama-sama Mak cik. Ibu kata, berkongsi itu perbuatan yang baik. Ibu juga pesan, Sulaiman jiran yang baik. Mak Cik Timah pun baik. Pak Cik Yakub pun baik. Kita semua mesti baik dengan jiran,” jawab Alim sambil menganggukkan kepala. “Ya, betul tu Alim. Alim anak yang baik,” sebut Mak Cik Timah dengan wajah yang sedih.


"Alim, thank you for giving fruits to Sulaiman earlier," said Aunt Timah to Alim. "All right, Aunt. Mom said, sharing is a good deed. Mother also said, Sulaiman is a good neighbor. Aunt Timah is also good. Uncle Yakub is good too. We must all be good to our neighbors, ”replied Alim while nodding his head. "Yes, that's right Alim. Alim is a good child, "said Aunt Timah with a sad face.


"Alim, thank you for giving fruits to Sulaiman earlier," said Aunt Timah to Alim. "All right, Aunt. Mom said, sharing is a good deed. Mother also said, Sulaiman, Aunt Timah and Uncle Yakub are a good neighbor. We must be good to our neighbors, ”replied Alim while nodding his head. "Yes, that's right Alim. Alim is a good child, "said Aunt Timah with a sad face.


“Kenapa Mak Cik Timah sedih?,” tanya Alim. “Mak Cik Timah tak sedih. Mak Cik Timah gembira kerana Alim baik dengan Sulaiman,” kata Mak Cik Timah sambil memandang ke arah Sulaiman yang memvasuh basikal kecilnya. “Alim suka Sulaiman. Sulaiman kawan Alim,” kata Alim lagi sambil melambai ke arah Mak Cik Timah lalu masuk ke dalam rumah. Mak Cik Timah masih memandang ke arah Alim yang berjalan masuk ke rumah. Mak Cik Timah berdoa akan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan Alim sekeluarga.


"Why is Aunt Timah sad?" Asked Alim. "Aunt Timah is not sad. Aunt Timah is happy because Alim is good with Sulaiman, ”said Aunt Timah while looking at Sulaiman who was washing his small bicycle. “Alim likes Sulaiman. Sulaiman, Alim's friend, "said Alim again while waving towards Aunt Timah and then entered the house. Aunt Timah was still looking at Alim who was walking into the house. Aunt Timah prayed for the health and well-being of Alim and his family.


"Why is Aunt Timah sad?" Asked Alim. "Aunt Timah is not sad, it’s just happy because Alim is good with Sulaiman,” said Aunt Timah while looking at Sulaiman who was washing his small bicycle. “Alim likes Sulaiman because he is Alim's friend, "said Alim again while waving towards Aunt Timah and then entered the house. Aunt Timah was still looking at Alim who was walking into the house. Aunt Timah prayed for the health and well-being of Alim and his family.










Di dalam sebuah rumah kecil. Tinggal seorang budak lelaki berumur 9 tahun. Dia sedang tersenyum sambil memandang ke arah gambar di dinding. Budak lelaki itu bernama Alim. dia mempunyai seorang bapa, ibu, abang, kakak dan adik perempuan. Mereka keluarga penyayang.

In a small house. Only a 9-year-old boy lives. He was smiling as he looked at the picture on the wall. The boy is named Alim. He has a father, a mother, a brother, a sister and a sister. They are a loving family.

A sister and a younger sister


Bapa Alim bernama Ismail. Ibu Alim bernama Kamilah. Abang Alim bernama Imran. Kakak Alim bernama Madihah. Adik perempuan Alim bernama Aisyah. “Saya ada bapa. Saya ada ibu. Saya ada abang. Saya ada kakak. Saya ada asik perempuan,” ujar Alim sambil menunjuk ke arah setiap gambar di dinding.

Alim's father was named Ismail. Mrs. Alim is named Kamilah. Alim's brother is named Imran. Alim's sister is named Madihah. Alim's younger sister named Aisyah. "I have a father. I have a mother. I have a brother. I have a sister. I have a cool girl, "said Alim, pointing to every picture on the wall.

Alim’s mother is named Kamilah.

Alim's younger sister is named Aisyah.


Setiap hari, adik beradik Alim akan menolong membuat kerja rumah, Alim juga menolong ibu bapanya setiap hari. Alim akan mengutip mainan yang bertaburan di atas lantai. Aisyah selalu lupa untuk mengemas permainan setelah bermain. Alim pula akan sentiasa menyimpan semula permainan setelah bermain. Ibu dan bapa akan berterima kasih kepada Alim.

“Alim anak yang rajin dan baik,” sebut ibu sambil memegang bahu Alim.

“Alim suka tolong adik,” kata bapa sambil senyum.

‘Terima kasih ibu. Terima kasih bapa,” jawab Alim.


Every day, Alim's siblings will help with homework, Alim also helps his parents every day. Alim will collect toys scattered on the floor. Aisyah always forgets to tidy up the game after playing. Alim will always save the game after playing. Mothers and fathers will thank Alim.


"Alim is a diligent and kind child," said the mother while holding Alim's shoulder.

"Alim likes to help my brother," said the father with a smile.

'Thank you mom. Thank you father, "replied Alim.













“Alim likes to help his sister,


Alim belajar daripada abang Imran dan Kak Madihah untuk menyapu sampah. Kak Madihah akan menujukkan cara memegang penyapu. Abang Imran pula akan menolong Alim menujukkan cara untuk menyapu sampah. Kadangkala, Alim gagal untuk menyiapkan kerja itu. Alim akan meninggalkan penyapu di tengah-tengah rumah. Ibu akan memanggil semula Alim dan memujuk Alim untuk menyiapkan kerja. Alim tersenyum.

Alim learned from Imran's brother and Kak Madihah to sweep the garbage. Kak Madihah will show you how to hold a broom. Abang Imran will help Alim show him how to sweep the garbage. Sometimes, Alim fails to complete the work. The pious will leave the broom in the middle of the house. The mother will call Alim back and persuade Alim to complete the work. Alim smiled.

Kak Madihah will show how to hold a broom.


“Alim, mari ibu tolong!, seru ibu dari dapur. Ibu terus berjalan ke arah Alim. alim resah dan berjalan ke hulu dan ke hilir.

“Saya tak mahu buat, ibu,” kata Alim sambil menggaru-daru kepalanya.

Ibu memegang tangan Alim lalu diusapnya. Alim terdiam seketika. Alim memandang ke arah ibu dan tersenyum.

“Alim, let mom help!, exclaimed mom from the kitchen. Mother continued to walk towards Alim. Pious restless and walk upstream and downstream.

"I do not want to do, mother," said Alim while scratching his head.

Mother held Alim's hand and rubbed it. Alim was silent for a moment. Alim looked at his mother and smiled.

"I do not want to do it, mother,"



“Anak ibu baik. Anak ibu rajin. Mari ibu tolong !, kata ibu sambil mengambil penyapu dan memegang batang penyapu bersama Alim. “Begini, perlahan-lahan ya!,” bisisk ibu perlahan.

Alim tersengih dan cuba menyapu sampah. akhirnya , dia berjaya menghabiskan kerjanya.

Setiap hari, Alim cuba memahami kerja seharian di rumah. Alim belajar untuk berdabar dan rajin bekerja. Alim belajar untuk menolong ibu dan bapa. Alim belajar untuk menolong abang dan kakak. Alim belajar untuk menolong adik perempuan di rumah.


“Saya sayang keluarga saya,” ujar Alim kepada ahli keluarga yang lain.

“Saya rindu keluarga saya setiap hari,” sebut Alim sambil tersenyum.

“Kami sayang dan rindu Alim,” kata ahli keluarga yang lain serentak. Mereka semua ketawa.

Alim tersenyum. Alim tahu bahawa keluarga adalah penting. Alim tahu keluarga akan sentiasa menolong antara satu sama lain.

"Mother's child is good. Diligent mother child. Come on mom please!, said mom while taking the broom and holding the broomstick with Alim. "Here, slowly yes!," whispered mother slowly.

Alim grinned and tried to sweep the garbage. Finally, he managed to finish his work.

Every day, Alim tries to understand the daily work at home. Alim learns to be patient and hardworking. Alim learns to help parents. Alim learns to help his brother and sister. Alim learns to help his sister at home.




"I love my family," Alim said to other family members.

"I miss my family every day," said Alim with a smile.

"We love and miss Alim," said another family member at the same time. They all laughed.

Alim smiled. Alim knows that family is important. Alim knows the family will always help each other.

“Whispered the mother slowly.












Alim ke sekolah hari ini. Alim membawa kek cawan ke sekolah. Alim ingin berkongsi kek cawan bersama dengan rakan-rakan yang lain. Semalam, ibu beritahu hari ini hari lahir Alim. alim tidak faham apa itu hari lahir. Alim mengikut kata ibu dan membawa kek cawan ke sekolah.

“Alim, selamat hari lahir!, kata ibu sambil mengusap-ngusap kepada Alim.

“Terima kasih ibu,” kata Alim. alim bersalaman dengan ibu dan terus beredar ke kelas.

Alim to school today. Alim brought a cup cake to school. Alim wants to share a cup cake with other friends. Yesterday, my mother told me that today is Alim's birthday. Pious do not understand what a birthday is. Alim followed his mother's words and brought a cup cake to school.

"Alim, happy birthday!," said the mother while stroking Alim.

"Thank you mother," said Alim. Alim shook hands with his mother and continued to circulate to class.

. Alim brought a cupcake to school.


Ibu memerhati Alim sambil tersenyum. Ibu tahu Alim akan belajar dengan rajin. Ibu mahu Alim menjadi pandai dan boleh menjaga diri. Hari ini, Alim suah pandai memakai baju sekolah sendiri. Alim pandai memakai kasut sekolah. Alim pandai membawa botol air ke sekolah. Alim tidak lupa bersalaman dengan bapa, abang Imran, kak Madihah dan Aisyah. Alim juga pandai mengemas katil sebelum ke sekolah. Ibu bangga dengan Alim. ibu tahu Alim boleh berdikari.

Mother watched Alim with a smile. I know Alim will study hard. Mother wants Alim to be smart and can take care of herself. Today, Alim is good at wearing his own school uniform. Alim is good at wearing school shoes. Alim is good at bringing water bottles to school. Alim did not forget to shake hands with father, brother Imran, sister Madihah and Aisyah. Alim is also good at making the bed before going to school. Mother is proud of Alim. I know Alim can be independent.



Di sekolah, Cikgu Anis selalu mengajar Alim bagaimana untuk menjaga diri, Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim tentang jiran, bagaimana untuk menaiki bas, bagaimana untuk membeli barang di kedai runcit serta bagaimana untuk membeli sayur dan ayam di pasar tani.

At school, Cikgu Anis always taught Alim how to take care of herself, Cikgu Anis taught Alim about neighbors, how to ride the bus, how to buy goods at the grocery store and how to buy vegetables and chicken at the farmers' market.



Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk hormat pada orang tua. Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk tunduk apabila berjalan di hadapan orang tua. Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Cikgu Anis mengajar Alim untuk mengucapkan selamat pagi kepada guru besar dan cikgu lain. Rakan-rakan sekelas Alim juga sudah pandai menyebut ‘Selamat pagi’ dan ‘Terima kasih’.

Cikgu Anis taught Alim to respect his parents. Cikgu Anis taught Alim to bow when walking in front of his parents. Cikgu Anis taught Alim to say thank you. Cikgu Anis taught Alim to say good morning to the headmaster and other teachers. Alim's classmates are also good at saying 'Good morning' and 'Thank you'.




Hari ini hari lahir Alim. Alim berkongsi kek cawan dengan rakan yang lain. Rakan-rakannya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Alim.

“Terima kasih, Alim!,” kata raka-rakan kepada Alim.

“Selamat hari lahir, Alim,” kata cikgu Anis sambil tersenyum.

Today is Alim's birthday. Alim shared a cupcake with another friend. His friends thanked Alim.

"Thank you, Alim !," said friends to Alim.

"Happy birthday, Alim," said teacher Anis with a smile.



Alim suka Cikgu Anis. Cikgu Anis baik hati. Cikgu Anis selalu mengajar Alim di kelas. Alim mahu menjadi seorang guru seperti Cikgu Anis.

Setelah semua orang makan kek cawan, Alim pun duduk di kerusi dan menunggu arahan daripada Cikgu Anis. Alim mahu belajar dengan rajin.

Alim likes Cikgu Anis. Mrs. Anis is kind. Cikgu Anis always teaches Alim in class. Alim wants to be a teacher like Cikgu Anis.

After everyone ate the cup cake, Alim sat on a chair and waited for instructions from Cikgu Anis. Alim wants to study diligently.







           TEKS ASAL






Alim mempunyai banyak buku cerita yang dihadiahkan oleh bapa, ibu, abang dan kakak. Alim Menyusun semua buku mengikut abjad. Alim suka Menyusun dan mengemas buku setiap hari. Alim akan membaca buku pada waktu petang dan malam. Kadang-kadang Alim akan memberikan buku cerita kepada jiran sebelah rumah. Alim suka berkongis dengan jiran.

Alim has many story books gifted by father, mother, brother and sister. Alim Arrange all the books alphabetically. Alim likes to compile and pack books every day. Alim will read books in the evening and at night. Sometimes Alim will give a storybook to the neighbor next door. Alim likes to share with neighbors.



Jiran sebelah mempunyai seorang anak lelaki bernama Sulaiman. Sulaiman berumur 9 tahun dan bersekolah di sekolah yang sama dengan Alim.

“Sulaiman, ini buku cerita tentang rumah papan,” sebut Alim sambal menghulurkan buku melalui pagar rumah.

“Kamu beri saya buku ini, Alim?,” tanya Sulaiman sambal membelek-belek buku tersebut.

“Ya,” jawab Alim. “Terima kasih, Alim,” kata Sulaiman sambil tersenyum. Alim pun beredar masuk ke dalam rumah.

The neighbor next door has a son named Solomon. Sulaiman is 9 years old and attends the same school as Alim.

"Sulaiman, this is a story book about a board house," said Alim while handing the book through the fence.

"Did you give me this book, Alim?,” asked Sulaiman while rummaging through the book.

"Yes," replied Alim. "Thank you, Alim," said Sulaiman with a smile. Alim also walked into the house.



Alim seorang yang pemurah. Dia selalu berkongsi apa yang dia ada dengan Sulaiman. Sulaiman juga pemurah. Kadang-kadang dia akan berkongsi coklat yang dibelinya dengan Alim.

Alim is a generous person. He always shared what he had with Solomon. Sulaiman is also generous. Sometimes he would share the chocolate he bought with Alim.



Pada suatu hari, Alim jatuh sakit. Badannya panas dan Alim tidak bermaya. Alim mudah jatuh sakit dan Alim tidak pernah merungut. Bapa dan ibu membawa Alim ke klinik berhampiran. Doktor memberikan ubat supaya Alim cepat sembuh.

Apabila sakit, Alim tidak akan bercakap. Alim akan tidur di bilik. Alim tidak akan membaca buku cerita lagi.

One day, Alim fell ill. His body was hot and Alim was lifeless. Alim easily gets sick and Alim never complains. Father and mother took Alim to a nearby clinic. The doctor gave medicine so that Alim could recover quickly.

When ill, Alim will not speak. Alim will sleep in the room. Alim will never read a storybook again.



Abang, kakak dan adik sedih melihat keadaan Alim. Mereka menemani Alim di bilik. Mereka cuba bercerita dengan Alim tetapi Alim tetap mendiamkan diri. Mata Alim terbuka tetapi Alim tetap kaku.

“Kenapa dengan abang, ibu?,” ujar adik perempuan Alim sambil menangis.

„Abang tidak sihat, adik,“ jawab ibu sambil memujuk adik perempuan Alim. Abang dan kakak sedih melihat Alim dan adik perempuan mereka. Mereka juga menangis.

Mereka semua berdoa supaya Alim cepat sembuh.

Brother, sister and brother are sad to see Alim's condition. They accompanied Alim in the room. They tried to talk to Alim but Alim remained silent. Alim's eyes were open but Alim remained stiff.

"Why with brother, mother?," said Alim's younger sister while crying.

"Brother is not healthy, brother," replied the mother while persuading Alim's sister. Brother and sister are sad to see Alim and their sister. They also cried.

They all prayed that Alim would recover quickly.



Selang beberapa minggu, Alim pun sihat. Semua ahli keluarga gembira. Alim sudah mula membaca buku cerita bersama abang, kakak dan adik perempuan.

Alim juga melambai-lambai tangan ke arah Sulaiman apabila Sulaiman menjenguk melalui pagar rumah.

After a few weeks, Alim was healthy. All family members are happy. Alim has started reading story books with his brother, sister and sister.

Alim also waved at Sulaiman when Sulaiman looked through the fence.





Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.


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